USA Quotes
It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them.
Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country.
To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.
I love my country. I love my guns. I love my family. I love the way it is now, and anybody that tries to change it has to come through me. That should be all of our attitudes. Cause this is America, and a country boy is good enough for me, son.
Going to another country doesn’t make any difference. I’ve tried all that. You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. There’s nothing to that. - Ernest Hemingway
Communities and countries and ultimately the world are only as strong as the health of their women.
I do not believe in communism any more than you do but there is nothing wrong with the Communists in this country. Several of the best friends I have got are Communists.
The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America – our country is in need of and ready for a spiritual renewal.
A real man will never let his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood.
Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.